1. Kyrie I   
2. Rachell's Weepinge  
3. Langdans efter Byfans Mats  
4. Lachrymae Antiqua   
5. Psalom   
6. Two Studies On Ancient Greek Scales: 1. Olympos' Pentatonic - 2. Archytas' Enharmonic  
7. Long-Ge   
8. Totem Ancestor 
9. Kyrie II  
10. Brudmarsch fra Osta 
11. Using The Apostate Tyrant As His Tool
12. Synchrony No.2
13. Quodlibet  
14. Viderunt Omnes  
15. Kyrie III  
16. Four Part Fantasia No. 2 
17. O Virtus Sapientie 
18. Uleg-Khem  
19. Farwell My Good I. Forever  
20. Collected Songs Where Every Verse Is Filled With Grief  
21. Requiem Mass: Bells: Tolling Of The Knell